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Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Right Positions for Mirrors as per Vastu

You walk into your living room and feel instantly uplifted. The light streaming in from the windows bounces off the large mirror on the opposite wall, making the whole space feel bright and airy. Dining rooms can also benefit from strategic mirror placement. Choose mirror position as per vastu on the north or east wall to attract prosperity and abundance. When decorating your bedroom, carefully consider where you hang mirrors.

Position one inside a wardrobe instead of facing your bed, which can disturb sleep. Welcome guests with a mirror in your entrance hall, placed on the sidewalls rather than directly opposite the front door. And in your bathroom, go for a mirror above the sink on the north or east wall for good hygiene. Just steer clear of positioning mirrors facing your bed, the kitchen stove, other mirrors, or the main door, which can disrupt positive energy flow in your home. Follow these Vastu-approved tips, and your mirrors can enhance both your decor and your life.

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Using Mirrors to Enhance Different Rooms in Your Home

mirror position as per vastu

Mirrors are the ultimate multitaskers – they can open up spaces, amplify natural light, and add depth to any room, that’s why choosing mirror position as per vastu is crucial. But where you hang them matters just as much as the mirror itself. Let’s explore some prime mirror placements to jazz up different areas of your home.

Living Room: Bright and Airy

mirror position as per bastu

Hanging a large mirror opposite a window is a surefire way to make your living room feel brighter and more spacious. As the light bounces off the mirror, it creates an illusion of added square footage. Genius!

But don’t stop there. Lean a decorative floor mirror against a wall to reflect artwork or other focal points. The mirrored surface will draw the eye in, making the room appear infinitely deeper.

Dining Room: Reflect on Good Times

mirror position as per vastu

Bring positive vibes to your dining area by strategically placing a mirror. According to Vastu principles, hanging one on the north or east wall promotes prosperity and abundance – perfect for savoring delicious meals with loved ones.

The mirror’s reflective qualities can also make a small dining nook feel like an expansive banquet hall. Now you can host all the dinner parties your heart desires!

Bedroom: Serenity First

bedroom design

While mirrors add glamour to bedrooms, they require a bit more thought. Positioning one across from the bed is a sleep disruption waiting to happen. Remedy this by mounting the mirror inside your closet door instead.

If you simply must have a bedroom mirror, hang it on a wall that doesn’t face the bed directly. That way, you can admire your reflection without disturbing your slumber.

Entryway: Make an Entrance

entryway mirror

First impressions matter, so why not amplify yours with a strategically placed mirror? Hang one on the side walls of your entryway to create a warm, welcoming vibe as guests arrive.

Just avoid positioning it directly across from the front door. That can send all that positive energy you’ve cultivated right back outside!

Bathroom: Primp With Purpose

bathroom decor luxurious

Of course, no bathroom is complete without a mirror for all your grooming needs. But even here, strategic placement makes a difference.

Mount your mirror above the vanity on the north or east wall. According to Vastu, this setup promotes self-care and hygiene routines. A little feng shui never hurts when you’re getting ready to face the day!

No matter which room you’re decorating, remember – mirror position as per vastu can be a transformative home accessories when used correctly. With smart placement, you can create the illusion of added space, brighten dark corners, and amplify your home’s overall good vibes. Now that’s looking at the bright side!

Mirror Position as per Vastu in Key Areas

Living Room Mirrors: Brighten Up the Space

Mirrors are a versatile decor element that can breathe new life into your living room. Strategically placed, they create an illusion of added space while reflecting natural light to brighten up the area.

The ideal vastu position is to hang a large mirror on the wall opposite a window. This allows it to catch and reflect sunlight throughout the day, instantly making the room feel more open and vibrant. Pro tip: opt for a rectangular mirror to maximize the expansive effect.

Dining Room Elegance With Mirrored Walls

What better way to make your dining area feel grand than with an elegant mirror? But vastu guidelines suggest hanging it on the north or east wall specifically.

It’s believed that this mirror position as per vastu promotes prosperity and abundance – reflecting the delicious meals and lively gatherings that take place there. A beautifully framed mirror becomes a stunning focal point, welcoming positive energy into this sacred space.

Bedroom Reflection: Don’t Face the Bed

While mirrors undoubtedly enhance a bedroom’s decor, their placement should be carefully considered based on vastu principles. Directly facing the bed is a no-go, as it’s thought to disturb sleep and harmony.

Instead, mount a mirror on the inside of your wardrobe door or choose a wall perpendicular to the bed. This way, you avoid direct reflection while still enjoying a handy mirror for daily grooming routines.

Entrance Mirror: Make a Grand First Impression

First impressions count, so why not wow guests the moment they step through your door? A stylish mirror in the entryway creates an instantly inviting atmosphere.

For optimal vastu benefits, hang the mirror on a side wall rather than directly facing the main entrance. This allows energy to flow smoothly into the home without being bounced back outside.

Bathroom Basics: Grooming Go-To Spot

Of course, no bathroom is complete without a mirror! Here’s where you can relax the vastu rules slightly. Mount your mirror above the sink or vanity, preferably on the north or east wall if possible.

This prime location makes grooming a breeze while still adhering to principles that promote a sense of cleanliness and self-care. Just avoid facing it directly toward the toilet – nobody needs those kind of reflections!

Places to Avoid Putting Mirrors Based on Vastu Principles

Reflecting Negative Energy

You’ve probably heard that mirrors can open up spaces and bring in more light. But according to ancient Vastu principles, choosing mirror position as per vastu is just as important. Some spots are big no-nos if you want to keep positive energy flowing.

Mirrors facing the main entrance? Big mistake. These are thought to bounce all that fresh chi right back outside before it can work its magic indoors. The same goes for mirrors across from your bed – they’ll just reflect restlessness and nightmares your way instead of sweet dreams.

The Kitchen Quarrel

Kitchens are another danger zone for mirrors according to Vastu. Reflecting that hot stove is believed to amplify fiery vibes, leading to conflicts and short tempers among family members. Not exactly a recipe for a zen cooking experience!

While you’re at it, avoid hanging mirrors directly facing each other too. The constant energy ping-ponging back and forth is said to create confusion and imbalance in your home’s flow.

Direction Dysfunction

Speaking of directions, Vastu associates the southern wall with fire energy. Makes sense to avoid mirrors here too then, right? Apparently they can make that already intense element way too amped up and aggravating.

You’ll also want to be mindful of height when placing mirrors. Ones that only catch part of your reflection are thought to create a sense of disconnectedness. Aim for full-length lookers instead for a cohesive, balanced vibe.

Framing It Right

Finally, don’t forget about framing! Mirrors with sleek, minimal borders tend to work best according to Vastu. Ornate or busy frames can be visually overwhelming and disruptive.

So there you have it – some key mirror no-go zones according to these ancient principles. But don’t worry, with a little strategic placement, you can double your light and space while keeping the good vibes intact.

Tips for Choosing the Right Mirrors for Your Decor

mirror in living room

Let’s be honest, mirrors are a decor essential. But with so many styles and sizes out there, choosing the right one can feel like a daunting task. Fear not, my friend! I’ve got your back with some handy tips to help you pick the perfect mirror for your space.

Reflect on the Room’s Purpose

First things first, think about the room you’re decorating. Is it a cozy living area where you want to create an airy vibe? Or maybe it’s a snazzy dining room that needs a touch of elegance? The mirror’s purpose should align with the room’s function.

  • For living rooms, go big and bold with a statement mirror to amplify the sense of space.
  • In dining areas, consider a sleek, decorative mirror to add a luxurious touch.
  • For bedrooms, keep it minimal with a simple, framed mirror that doesn’t overwhelm.

Size Matters (But Not Too Much)

Sizing is crucial when it comes to mirrors. A mirror that’s too small can get lost in the room, while one that’s too large can overpower the space. As a general rule, the mirror should take up about one-fourth to one-third of the wall’s surface area.

But don’t stress too much about precise measurements. The key is finding a mirror that complements the room’s scale and proportions. And remember, sometimes breaking the rules can lead to stunning, unexpected looks!

Frame It Up

home furniture- bedroom

The frame around your mirror can make or break the overall look. Choose a frame that complements the room’s existing decor and color scheme. For a modern vibe, try sleek metallic or minimalist wooden frames. If you’re going for a more traditional feel, ornate frames with intricate details can add a touch of elegance.

And don’t be afraid to get creative! Repurposed vintage frames or unique materials like rattan or wrought iron can give your mirror a one-of-a-kind flair.

Reflect on Functionality

While aesthetics are important, don’t forget about practicality. If you’re hanging a mirror in a high-traffic area like an entryway or bathroom, opt for a durable frame that can withstand daily wear and tear.

And if you’re using the mirror for grooming or getting ready, make sure it’s positioned at an appropriate height and angle for optimal visibility and lighting.

Location, Location, Location

Finally, consider the mirror’s placement within the room. Mirrors work best when they reflect something visually appealing, like a beautiful piece of furniture or a picturesque window view. Avoid placing mirrors opposite blank walls or cluttered areas, as this can create a sense of chaos.

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to finding the perfect mirror that not only looks stunning but also enhances the overall ambiance of your space. So go forth and reflect your personal style with confidence!

Read for more home decor tips: https://cityfurnish.com/blog/

Home Decor Ideas FAQs: Your Top Questions on Mirror Position as per Vastu

Where Should I Place Mirrors?

Mirrors are a versatile decor element that can visually expand spaces and brighten up rooms. But where exactly should you hang them? Let’s explore some ideal placements.

  • Living Room: Place a large mirror opposite a window to reflect natural light and create an airy, open feel. This brightens up the space and makes it seem more expansive.
  • Dining Room: Hang a mirror on the north or east wall to promote positive energy flow according to Vastu principles. It’s believed to symbolize abundance and prosperity.
  • Bedroom: Avoid having mirrors directly face the bed, which can supposedly disturb sleep. Instead, mount them inside wardrobe doors or on side walls.
  • Entryway: A mirror on the side walls (not directly opposite the door) makes for a welcoming focal point as you enter the home.

Where Should I Avoid Placing Mirrors?

While mirrors enhance decor, some placements are best avoided according to Vastu:

  • Facing the main door: This is thought to bounce away positive energy before it can enter the home.
  • Across from the bed: Mirrors reflecting the bed can supposedly cause restlessness and nightmares.
  • In the kitchen: Especially reflecting the stove area, this may amplify fire energy and create household conflicts.
  • Facing each other: Mirrors placed opposite can create a confusing energy vortex.
  • On south walls: The south direction is linked to fire, which mirrors may intensify.

Pro Mirror Positioning Tips

  • Height matters: Hang mirrors so they reflect faces and full bodies, not just parts.
  • Go big: Larger, unbroken mirrors create a grander, more seamless illusion of space.
  • Keep them clean: Regularly wipe off dust and streaks for maximum light reflection.
  • Frame wisely: Choose frames that complement the room’s aesthetic.

With these guidelines, you can use mirrors to amplify natural light, create depth, and cultivate good energy flow throughout your home’s spaces. Just be mindful of ideal placements!

Take Away

You see, there’s an art and science to placing mirrors in your home. When used thoughtfully, mirrors can enhance and energize living spaces. But if positioned poorly, they can disturb the natural flow of energy.

The key is understanding which rooms benefit from mirrored reflections to boost their purpose. And knowing where mirrors can backfire, disrupting harmony and sleep.

With some basic mirror placement dos and don’ts in mind, you can align these decorative elements to both serve your functional needs and promote positive energy. Now that you know the ideal positioning in each room and the locations to avoid, you can hang mirrors with intention. Use their illuminating power to brighten up your home, open up small spaces, and set a welcoming mood in entryways. Just be mindful of facing beds, stoves and main doors.

When used right, mirrors can be so much more than just a routine decorating choice. Their thoughtful placement can help cultivate the type of home you aspire to – one that radiates comfort, abundance and positivity.


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