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How to Celebrate Krishna Janmashtami- History, Rituals & Global Celebration

Have you ever witnessed a miracle? For Hindus around the world, Janmashtami Celebration is a celebration of one – the birth of Lord Krishna. Every year, devotees come together to commemorate Krishna’s descent to Earth in human form. But Janamashtami is more than just a religious festival. It represents the victory of good over evil and the ultimate triumph of devotion and faith.

1- Unbelievable Story Of Lord Krishna’s Birth 

For over 5,000 years, Hindus have passed down the story of Krishna’s birth and early years. According to ancient scriptures like the Bhagavata Purana, Krishna was born in a prison cell in Mathura, India to devout parents Vasudeva and Devaki. The evil King Kamsa had imprisoned them after hearing a prophecy that their eighth son would kill him. But in a miraculous turn of events, Krishna was smuggled out of the prison and replaced with another baby. He was then raised by foster parents Nanda and Yashoda in Vrindavan.

a- Cheer of Janmashtami celebration

Every year on Krishna’s birthday, also known as Janmashtami or Gokulashtami, Hindus recreate scenes from these early events. Communities come together to fast, pray, sing, dance and feast in Krishna’s honour. For believers, Janmashtami is a joyous reminder of Krishna’s presence and a chance to strengthen their devotion. But for others, the fantastical stories of Krishna’s birth leave room for doubt. Is Janmashtami a celebration of faith or just folklore? This centuries-old festival continues to inspire wonder and debate.

2- The Historical Roots of Janmashtami

Janmashtami Celebration

The festival of Janmashtami celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu, according to Hinduism. Krishna is one of the most popular deities in Hinduism and an important figure in the Mahabharata epic and the Bhagavad Gita.

a- Why Janmashtami is Celebrated?

Janmashtami has been celebrated for over 5,000 years, originating around 3,228 BCE – the approximate date of Krishna’s birth in Mathura (in present-day Uttar Pradesh). According to legends, Krishna was born on the eighth day of the dark half of the month of Shraavana. Devotees fast and pray until midnight, the time when Krishna is believed to have been born.

Stories tell of Krishna’s escape from the evil ruler Kansa, who had imprisoned his parents and sought to kill their eighth son. A divine prophecy foretold that Kansa would be killed by his sister Devaki’s eighth child. To prevent this, Kansa imprisoned Devaki and had each of her children killed at birth. However, Krishna’s father Vasudeva rescued baby Krishna moments after his birth and replaced him with another baby. Krishna was then raised by foster parents Nanda and Yashoda in Vrindavana.

Krishna grew up performing many acts of courage, love and mischief in Vrindavana. He is seen as the perfect child, lover and friend. Krishna’s playful and endearing antics in Vrindavana have captured the imagination of devotees for centuries. His youthful tales inspire even today.

3- The Spiritual Significance of Krishna’s Birth

krishna janam Janmashtami Celebration

Lord Krishna’s birth is celebrated as Janmashtami, highlighting his spiritual significance as an avatar of Vishnu. His teachings in the Bhagavad Gita and promotion of bhakti yoga, the path of devotion, have inspired millions.

Krishna’s life illustrates his divine nature and purpose. Born in a prison cell, he demonstrated his powers through various miracles in his childhood. He restored faith in the goodness of the world, spreading joy and wisdom wherever he went.

a- Krishna’s Message

Central to Krishna’s message is finding God through pure, selfless devotion – bhakti. Krishna says in the Gita that he will liberate anyone who worships him with devotion. He calls for us to abandon ego and see the Divine in all beings.

Krishna also shares his profound wisdom on life, death, and the eternal soul in the Gita. He reveals that the true Self is the imperishable atman, which transcends the body and mind. By realizing our union with the Divine, we can attain moksha – liberation from suffering.

On Janmashtami, Krishna’s birth is a reminder of his divine grace and teachings. His message of spiritual enlightenment through selfless devotion and service to others remains eternally relevant. By following his dharma and pursuing life’s purpose, we too can achieve the inner peace and bliss Krishna embodied.

4- Festivities of Janmashtami Celebration in India

The festive celebrations of Janamashtami are filled with joy, devotion and revelry.

a- Preparations for Janmashtami Celebration

Leading up to Janmashtami, devotees clean and decorate their homes, especially the puja or prayer room. They may fast for a day or two, focusing their mind on spiritual reflection. Creating a cradle for the infant Krishna is an important custom, whether simple or ornate.

b- Prayers and Fasting

Prayers, hymns and religious discourses are held in temples. Many stay up until midnight, the time of Krishna’s birth, offering prayers. Some devotees observe a strict fast, not consuming anything for the entire day and night. Others may only take fruit and milk products. The fast is broken at midnight when Krishna is believed to have been born.

c- Dahi Handi on Janmashtami Celebration

dahi handi Janmashtami Celebration

One of the most popular customs is the Dahi Handi, where communities come together to form human pyramids to break open an earthen pot of curd or buttermilk suspended high up. This celebrates Krishna’s love of curd and his playful, mischievous nature as a child. The festival has become a competitive sport, with the pot being placed at higher and higher levels each year!

d- Regional Variations

In South India, devotees decorate the entrance of houses with kolams or rangoli. In Maharashtra, devotees decorate temples and homes with flowers and lights. In Mathura, Krishna’s birthplace, major celebrations are held. In Mumbai, the Dahi Handi is celebrated on a grand scale. In Manipur, Ras Lila dance dramas depicting Krishna’s life are performed.

Janmashtami celebration brings people together through devotion and joy. Amid the fasting, prayers and festivities, Krishna’s timeless message of love and wisdom is commemorated and passed on to new generations.

5- Is Krishna’s Birth Considered a Miracle?

Janmashtami Celebration lord krishna

Krishna’s birth is considered by some to be a miracle and by others to be more metaphorical. On one hand, the events surrounding Krishna’s birth defy scientific explanations and seem supernatural. His life story describes miraculous events like his mother Devaki magically giving birth despite being imprisoned, the guards falling into a deep slumber allowing Vasudeva to smuggle baby Krishna out of the cell, and Krishna speaking as soon as he was born to reassure his parents.

a- Arguments

However, sceptics argue there are rational explanations for these fantastical stories and no evidence they were literal miracles. The stories could be symbolic to convey Krishna’s divine qualities. His birth in captivity and peril represents good triumphing over evil, and his first words show his wisdom and courage. Some historians believe the stories were exaggerated over time or the events were confused, misremembered or misrecorded.

Whether taken literally or metaphorically, Krishna’s birth carries deep spiritual significance. For believers, it shows the miraculous power of God and the ultimate victory of good. Even for sceptics, the stories inspire hope, courage and faith in humanity’s potential for goodness. So while Krishna’s birth may or may not have involved literal miracles, for many it remains a miracle in a metaphorical sense. The timeless messages of love, wisdom and morality Krishna brought into the world are miracles that continue to inspire and transform lives to this day.

6- How Janmashtami Is Celebrated Today

Janmashtami is celebrated today in many innovative ways around the world.

a- Festivals and Events on Janmashtami Celebration

Many cities hold large festivals and events to mark Krishna’s birth. In Mumbai, the Dahi Handi festival features youth forming human pyramids to break open pots of curd or buttermilk hung high up. Crowds gather to watch the spectacle, with loud music and dancing. Similar events are held in other cities across India.

Temples, organizations and cultural centres organize chanting of devotional hymns, prayers, discourses on the life of Krishna, dance and drama performances depicting Krishna’s exploits, and mass feasts or prasad distribution. People dress up as Krishna and Radha for costume contests and pageants.

b- How to celebrate Janmashtami at Home?

At home, families celebrate more traditionally. People fast, pray, decorate their homes, light lamps and candles, make sweets like butter, curd or milk and share it with friends and family. Kids are often dressed up as little Krishnas in yellow or blue outfits with a peacock feather crown. People read or listen to the Bhagavad Gita and stories of Krishna’s childhood and youth from the Bhagavata Purana.

c- Innovations

The festival has spread and evolved outside India. ISKCON temples around the world hold elaborate festivities. Second-generation Indian immigrants have adapted celebrations to local cultures in creative ways. For example, flash mobs enacting Krishna’s ras lila dance, eco-friendly decorations, fusion cuisine, charitable drives, and interfaith dialogues are incorporated.

Through spiritual significance, cultural traditions, community bonding and modern adaptations, Janmashtami remains an important festival for Hindus worldwide. Its continued popularity and evolving expressions show how eternal themes of love, play and devotion remain relevant across borders and generations.

7- ISKCON Janmashtami Celebration

Janmashtami Celebration- ISKCON Temple Krishna

When it comes to ISKCON, Janmashtami celebration is one of the biggest festivals celebrated. ISKCON, or the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, was founded in 1966 to spread the teachings of Lord Krishna. ISKCON temples around the world commemorate Lord Krishna’s appearance on earth, known as Janmashtami, with great zeal and fervour.

a- Festivities Galore on Janmashtami Celebration

ISKCON temples are beautifully decorated for the occasion. Devotees fast until midnight when Lord Krishna is believed to have appeared. At midnight, an elaborate puja or worship ceremony is performed to welcome the Lord. This is followed by an extravagant feast, called maha-prasadam.

b- Prayers and Chants on Janmashtami Celebration

Devotees chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra for hours together and read verses from the Bhagavad Gita glorifying Lord Krishna. Plays and dramas depicting Lord Krishna’s pastimes are also enacted.

c- Global Celebrations

ISKCON has over 650 centres worldwide, so Janmashtami is celebrated on a massive scale. In Mayapur, West Bengal, where ISKCON’s headquarters is located, grand celebrations are held. Nearly 100,000 devotees from all over the world gather for elaborate festivities spread over days.

ISKCON has played an important role in popularizing the worship of Lord Krishna and spreading awareness about Janmashtami globally. Thanks to the efforts of ISKCON devotees, Janmashtami is now celebrated in nearly every city and town, with people from all walks of life participating enthusiastically.

8- Krishna Janmashtami Celebration 2023- Date & Time

Krishna Janmashtami Celebration 2023 is happening on two days this year- September 6 & 7. The Krishna Janmashtami Puja Muhurat is between 24:03 to 24:49, 7 Sep. Muhurat duration is 46 minutes.

Take Away 

So there you have it. Janmashtami celebration is a microcosm of the epic of Krishna’s life and his eternal message. Whether you see it as a tradition, festival or spiritual experience, Krishna’s birth and life inspire reflection on life’s deepest questions. His teachings on love, duty and purpose guide us in times of darkness. Celebrate Janmashtami with an open heart and see if the magical presence of Krishna sparks an awakening in you. Let the dancing, chanting and prasad feed your soul. May the love and wisdom of Krishna fill your life with meaning, purpose and bliss. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna!

To know more about many great Indian festivals click here: https://cityfurnish.com/blog/great-indian-festivals


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